
Brexit does not have the Way

It is an intrigueing feature of human nature that we have such penetrating wisdom and clarity of mind when it comes to realizing the mistakes of others, while our mental faculties are clouded when it comes to admitting our owns.

A great majority of Europeans see it with profound clarity that the English made a very stupid decision when they choose national sovereignty over the EU. Most of these people, who instinctively recognize the irrelevance of national sovereingty in the 21th century when we are talking about the UK, would be hard pressed to admit the same thing about out their own nation.

That's why we should try to remember. Remember how obvious it is to us that the English are stupid when they voted to leave the EU. Remember how blatantly the Leave campaing had to lie to convince those fools to vote their way.

Remember well, because one day they will come for you. And the very same lies will sound much more convincing when you are not an impartial bystander observing from afar.

Now is the right time to clarify that nations states are an outdated socio-political structure. They no longer serve the needs of people. On one hand they are too centralized to offer real flexibility. On the other they are too small to meaningfully protect and serve the interests and security of their subjects. Their only use is to promote the interest of a small elite which is focused in the national capitals.
This elite is using the ideology of nationalism to protect their power. That ideology has always been full of xenophobia, about antagonizing people, about strengthening prejudices and paranoia and fear-monger are always essential for that. That was true even in its golden age, when it served as a vessel for modernization and democracy. But that golden age is long gone. The benefits are gone, the cost remains.
That's the way how dysfuctional socio-political arrangements are.

And if any of you have any doubt about how dysfunctional nation states are just remember what happened in England in the last few weeks.
Even Farage, this extremist populist immediately stepped down. He campaigned hard for a sovereign Britain, but doesn't want to be there when it is made. He doesn't want to be there when it turns out that it's a pure drawback and no benefit.
We have seen quite a number of lies in propaganda campaigns but I never saw a campaign admit on the very next day of an election that both of their major promises were lies. But that's what the Leave campaign did with both the National Health Service funding and with the question of immigration.

Then there is Cameron. He was the one who made Brexit a possibility. He turned the thought of leaving the EU from an insane phantasmagoria of some nutjob radicals from a mainstream political option.
He did it because he wanted to be prime minister, he wanted to steal UKIP votes and he wanted to bluff-blackmail the EU. He wanted it for all the wrong reasons. But he made it a real option he made it possible. He made it happen. He is just as responsible as Farage, despite the fact that in the end he campaigned against it. After campaigning for it...:P
Well, he stepped down the very next day. GG.

Then you have Boris Johnson, the chief mainstream politician who campaigned for Leave. Turns out he never wanted Leave to win, he just wanted to be the successor of Cameron and pose as the gallant knight of a lost nationalist cause. He was broken when Leave won and he didn't even joined the race to be the PM.

So you can see the three major players who made Brexit immediately stepped down when it turned out to be a reality. No one had a plan on how to do Brexit and no one, not even the leaders for its campaign want to do Brexit.

As the ancient Chinese would have said: independent nations in 21th century Europe are not the Way.

Try to remember that when the eurosceptics come for you.

Remember, remember, the 23rd of June...

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